“The New Normal During Covid-19 Pandemic From World’s Youth Prespective” – GYLI

The covid-19 pandemic has become a serious threat to humanity. All countries try their best to overcome this problem 👊

To get a holistic pictures of this global pandemic, let’s see firsthand the perspectives of each young people from different country 🤝

So we can learn from each other, encourage each other, support each other, so we can fight this pandemic together 🔥

Let’s join this casual discussion on our youtube channel ! It will be held sunday, 2 PM – 4 PM (GMT +0). See you there 🌏

#covid19 #coronavirus #newnormal #globalcitizen #fightasone #togethertoempower #discussion #publicdiscussion #unitedasone #who #unitednations #fightcovid19

Dimas Putra

Dimas Putra

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